86,400 Seconds A Day

We are only given 86,400 seconds a day. How do we go about using those seconds to enhance ourselves and the world? What can you do each day to bring happiness and success to your life? Join host Troy Rivera as he shares insight to the use of your 86,400 seconds daily.

Category: Education

Troy Rivera

Feb 23 2017

Did you know that you get 86,400 seconds a day? How do you use those seconds? Do you use them to improve yourself? Do you abuse them? The 86,400 Seconds A Day podcast will share stories and ideas on how you can utlize your seconds to build success for ...

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About Troy Rivera

I'm a Colorado native. Born and raised in Southeast Colorado on watermelons and cantaloupe. I'm avid about learning. I live life to the fullest because you only get one. My motto is "LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, LEARN".

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